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Updates on Measure T, on the San Mateo 2024 ballot

Yes on T Logo

This November 2024, San Mateo residents will have Measure T on their ballots - it's coming up fast so we thought we'd share an update on how things are going with the Yes on T campaign. The Yes on Measure T campaign in San Mateo, CA has recently kicked off, and so much has happened in the past few weeks!

First, thank you to everyone who has pitched in time and energy into talking to their network about Measure T. Whether it's emails, phone calls, text messages, posts on social media, organizing community meetings, or face-to-face conversations, every single conversation matters.

Ours is a grass-roots campaign that is led by a campaign team that is passionate about supporting our local economy, increasing the inventory of workforce and affordable housing, and creating a community that finds solutions to help our veterans, public service workers, educators, seniors, and families stay living in San Mateo if they want to.

How you can help support getting Measure T passed

Please consider co-signing that you believe that it's time to move past holding San Mateo to zoning and land use regulation from 1991.

Yes, today's existing zoning and land use regulation is a hold over from the 1991's Measure H. In 2020, Measure Y effectively renewed Measure H. San Mateo has been held to 33 year old housing and growth policy during a period of the the fastest innovation and job growth in our lifetimes. Let's decide to move forward together while retaining local control of how we grow.


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