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Vote YES on T to provide affordable housing for all income levels, support a thriving downtown and meet state-mandated housing requirements – without tax increases.

Vote Yes on Measure T for a Thriving San Mateo

Jerry Hill Endorses Measure T

Measure T is on the City of San Mateo ballot in November 2024. It focuses on updating 33 year old zoning practices in 10 zones across the city's downtown and transit corridor, representing approximately 10% of developed and buildable land. 


What is Measure T? 

The General Plan 2040 process kicked off in San Mateo in 2018, and since then there have been five large public engagement processes, multiple surveys and study sessions, and a standing storefront at Hillsdale Mall to provide the community with ample opportunity to take a look at the various proposals and provide feedback over a six year period.


In 2024, San Mateo City Council unanimously voted to approve putting Measure T on the ballot, where it's passing is noted on our 2023-2031 Housing Element as one of the conditions of certification. Measure T will allow for focused development, which creates the opportunity for smarter long-term city planning and infrastructure investments.


Measure T will not increase taxes - there is no provision for taxation in this ballot measure. It is estimated that revenue will be generated from developer and impact fees, sales tax from additional goods and services, property taxes, and more. The impartial fiscal analysis performed estimated a revenue lift of up to $15M for the City. 

Under Measure T, the City of San Mateo will continue it's long tradition of requiring 15% affordable housing unit allocation for all new builds of owned and rental properties. This is because San Mateo has a Below Market Rate Inclusionary Program which has been in place since 2010. 

Compared to stressing the system across the entire city, we can instead apply smart design principles to more focused neighborhood visions. When incentivizing to build in downtown and along transit corridors where businesses exist, we have the opportunity to evolve these transitory parts of town into residential hubs and neighborhoods and increase the City's walkability.


As well, allowing for more residential growth in Downtown San Mateo means more people will be coming home to downtown as opposed to driving through or away from. This means more regulars walking to the corner for coffee, or to the breakfast spot, or stopping in to get shoes fixed or a haircut on their way home from running an errand. 

We are excited to advocate for this sensible plan for San Mateo, and look forward to a more vibrant, sustainable, socioeconomically diverse, and walkable City that still very much remains rooted in it's suburban character.

By November 5th, please vote YES on Measure T for a Sensible San Mateo!

Vote Yes on T:

Vote Yes on T: Expand housing opportunities, help our small businesses, and generate increased tax revenue to support our city’s vital services.

Provide affordable housing

Help our small businesses


Protect essential city services


Meet state housing mandates

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